
Decree No. 35 10 May on the Election of the National Constituent Assembly (2011)

Updated: June 2015

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Article 2 states:
Shall be entitled to vote: all Tunisians, both men and women, who turned 18 before Election Day, enjoy their full civil and political rights and are not deprived from any electoral right indicated therein.

Excerpt from Decree No. 35 10 May on the Election of the National Constituent Assembly (2011)

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Article 61 states:
Illiterate voters or voters who clearly suffer from a disability that prevents them from performing the polling steps mentioned in article 60 above shall be authorized to assistance by a voter of their choice and who shall not be a candidate. One helping voter cannot assist more than one person.

Voting by proxy is prohibited.

Excess ballot papers shall not exceed 10% of the number of voters in one polling station.


Excerpt from Decree No. 35 10 May on the Election of the National Constituent Assembly (2011)