In July 2020, Ukraine’s Group of Influence, with support from the International Foundation for Electoral System (IFES), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), produced videos to inform internally displaced persons (IDPs) about new voting procedures ahead of the 2020 local elections. The video describes the new legal procedures, which allow internally displaced persons, migrants and other Ukrainian citizens without registration to vote in their new communities. This video mainstreams disability by including images of persons with disabilities alongside other citizens. A transcript in English of the video is available below.
The video can be viewed at this link.
(Transcript begins)
IDPs and working migrants can participate in local elections this fall. Before we couldn’t elect local representatives because we didn’t have residence registration in our new community. Now, to be able to participate in local elections in October 2020, you can file a completed application to the local department of State Registry of Voters to change electoral address.
Provide your passport and document proving your connection with your new place of voting: lease agreement, IDP certificate, certificate of care for the person, entrepreneurship certificate, property ownership certificate, marriage certificate of document certifying family ties. More details at:
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