Marshall Islands

Population Statistics


Total Population


Population with a disability

according to World Health Organization’s 15% estimate

Election Dates

17 March 2015

Ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Marshall Islands Ections and Referenda Act (1980, last amended 2006)

Updated: June 2015

Section 161 states:

(1) A registered voter who:

  • (a) is prevented by illness or physical disability from attending a polling place in order to vote in an election…may apply for a postal ballot paper…

(2) An application for a postal ballot paper shall be postmarked or made to reach the Chief Electoral Officer…

  • (b) not later than:
(i) five (5) days before the election… if the applicant is prevented by illness or physical disability from attending a polling place in order to vote in an election and will be within the Republic on the day of the election…


Section 167 states:

The regulations may prescribe special procedures to enable voters who are:

  • (a) inpatients at a hospital, or members of the staff of a hospital…


Section 174 states:

A voter who is blind or otherwise, by reason of some physical disability, unable to mark his ballot paper without assistance, or is unable to read or write, may have the assistance of a person chosen by him in marking his ballot paper.


Excerpts from the Marshall Islands Elections and Referenda Act (1980, last amended 2006)